When are these religious zealots going to accept that just because accepted science contradicts one small part of their doctrine it doesn't invalidate their entire religion. Personally I have no problem with the idea that life on Earth, in fact the universe itself, could all be a series of complex accidents. I am not made insecure by the idea that the world is much more complex than I can ever imagine, the universe is much bigger than I can conceive and all of it as old as time or older. I am not frightened by the mysteries of the universe, in fact I find them fascinating. I am not afraid of the complexity of life, indeed I think it is beautiful.
Sadly there are people in this country who are frightened by the unknown, who cling to their religion like a life preserver and deny there is anything else in the universe. To these people it is all too big and frightening so they think it must be magic. Thus they deny their children an fact based education and hamstring their potential.